Hello! I wanted to send a quick post today because for a lot of people, today can be quite a day. Maybe you’re surrounded by loved ones, having the time of your life, and maybe the time of your life already includes a run. If so, that’s wonderful! See you Friday :)
But for some of us, Christmas can be good-and-bad, up-and-down, fair-to-middling, or nothing at all. For some of us, Christmas can be overwhelming, or underwhelming, or lonely. To all of you/us out there, my reminder is this: your running practice doesn’t know what day it is. One of the best things about a running practice is that in some form or another, it needs to take place every day (I’m counting rest days as part of that form.)
So today, if you’re legitimately on a rest day, rest. If you’re on a hills day, get out there. LSD (long, slow distance)? I’ll see you in two hours (or whatever) and so on. Running as a way to provide yourself with continuity and a bit of a lift is a great thing, even if you feel like you should be doing something else, with someone else, because it’s CHRISTMAS and you’re SUPPOSED TO.
Everything you must do, and everyone you love and who loves you, will be there when you get back. Your run is part of your joy, and that’s meaningful and beautiful. So today, remember: be excellent to one another, including yourself, and go run.
Merry X-Mas and all the best to you!